Alarm++ displays a window like this when an alarm goes off, unless you've disabled it in the alarm's Window page. There are four different window sizes available: tiny, small, medium, and large.
It also displays the date/time of the next event (if any) below the buttons.
If a URL is displayed in the message window, it is highlighted (like in your Internet browser) and you can double-click it to open it.
This is the Properties button. Clicking it displays the property pages for the alarm so that you can edit it.
The Pause button is visible if the alarm is playing a media file and can be used to pause playback. When the media is paused, the button changes to a Play button. You can press it to resume playing the media file.
If you want to ignore the alarm for a while, enter how soon you want to be reminded again (minutes, hours, or days) and click the Snooze button. Alarm++ waits for the specified time and redisplays the event window. (It also performs any action—media, application, or e-mail—associated with it.)
Immediately below the Snooze field, the window displays the date/time of when the snooze will go off. It updates this information so that it remains accurate even if you leave the event window up for an extended period of time.
If you snooze an event so that it goes beyond the next scheduled event, the snooze is canceled so that the scheduled event can occur. For example, an event occurs at 10:00am, and it repeats every hour. When the alarm goes off, you snooze it for 80 minutes (at 11:20am). The next event takes place at 11:00am, so Alarm++ automatically cancels the snooze because it occurs at 11:20am, twenty minutes after the next scheduled event.
If, after snoozing an alarm's event, you modify the alarm's next scheduled event so that it occurs before that snooze, the snooze is canceled so that the scheduled event can occur. For example, an event occurs at 10:00am. When the alarm goes off, you snooze it for 30 minutes. Then, you modify the alarm's date/time so that it goes off at 10:15am. Alarm++ cancels the snooze because it isn't scheduled until 10:30am, 15 minutes after the next scheduled event.
If you want to dismiss the event, click the Off button. Please note that this does not affect any future events - it's just like hitting the Off button on your alarm clock.
This button is displayed if the alarm is set to run an application and the …when you press the Run button on the event window option is selected. You can click it to manually initiate the application you specified on the Application page.
If you've specified some files for Alarm++ to use for this event (media files, scripts, etc.), it's possible that one or more are no longer valid. If the alarm is set to send e-mail, the SMTP server or your Internet connection might not be available. If Alarm++ can't find a file or experiences some other error, it will log an entry and highlight the tray icon.