Alarm Window Page

Use this page to specify whether you want the event window to be displayed with the name and message of the alarm. You can also specify where on the screen the event window is to be displayed and how it's to be displayed.

Display an event window

If you uncheck this box, Alarm++ will not display the event window when the alarm goes off - but it will still play the specified sound, run the specified application, send mail, etc. If you check this box, the application will display the event window in addition to playing the sound, running the application, etc.

You can use this feature to run applications or send mail unattended - so that you don't need to acknowledge the event dialogs. You can even use it if your sound file is sufficient to tell you what the alarm is about (e.g., a recording of someone saying, "Remember to go to the store.").

Of course, if you choose not to have the event window displayed, you will not be able to "snooze" it. In addition, if you have chosen the sound file to repeat until it's acknowledged, it will not repeat (because there would be no way for the user to acknowledge it).

Size of event window

Select the size of the event window: tiny, small, medium, or large.




If this field is disabled, your version of Windows doesn't support window animation.

If this is enabled, you can select the type of animation Alarm++ will use when displaying this event window. You can choose from:

(none) No animation is used.
Fade The event window slowly becomes solid.
Expand The event window expands from the center out.
Slide right The event window slides in from left to right.
Slide left The event window slides in from right to left.
Slide down The event window slides in from top to bottom.
Slide up The event window slides in from bottom to top.

Note: This option is only available on Windows 2000, XP, Vista, and later.


If this field is disabled, your version of Windows doesn't support window animation.

If this is enabled, you can specify how long it should take to display this event window. The value is in milliseconds. (One second equals 1,000 milliseconds.)

Note: This option is only available on Windows 2000, XP, Vista, and later.

Position of event window

Top-left The event window is positioned in the far top-left corner of the display.
Middle-left The event window is positioned on the left of the screen, in the middle.
Bottom-left The event window is positioned in the far bottom-left corner of the display.
Top-middle The event window is positioned on the top of the screen, in the middle.
Bottom-middle The event window is positioned on the bottom of the screen, in the middle.
Top-right The event window is positioned in the far top-right corner of the display.
Middle-right The event window is positioned on the right of the screen, in the middle.
Bottom-right The event window is positioned in the far bottom-right corner of the display.
Default The event window is positioned where Windows would place the next window.
Center on screen The event window is centered on the display.
Center on window The event window is centered over the Alarm++ main window (or where it would be, if it were visible).
Center on active window The event window is centered over the active window.
Cursor position The event window is centered over the current position of the mouse cursor.


If this field is disabled, your version of Windows doesn't support window transparency.

Drag the slider to specify the transparency of the event window when it's displayed. It can vary from totally transparent to totally opaque.

Note: This option is only available on Windows 2000, XP, Vista, and later.

Display Balloon Tip

If you check this box, Alarm++ will display a balloon tip when the event goes off. A balloon tip will appear near Alarm++’s tray icon and display the alarm’s name and message. This feature can be useful if you’d like to be notified that an event occurred but it’s not absolutely essential, so you don't need the event window, just a temporary and even-less-obtrusive balloon tip. For example, you might want to know that an event has just initiated some pre-specified background task.

See Also

Alarm General page
Alarm Repeat page
Alarm Advanced page
Alarm Media page
Alarm Speech page
Alarm Window page
Alarm Application page
Alarm Mail page