All posts by Stefan

Typecast Preview Released

I’ve released a new product: Typecast. Typecast is an electronic program guide (EPG) that displays the shows you’re searching for. Old-fashioned EPGs just show you a grid of programs and channels and expect you to scroll for days, until you find the show you want to watch. Nowadays, most cable and satellite subscribers have dozens—if not hundreds—of channels to choose from! By the time you find what you want to watch or record, it’s over.

Typecast lets you customize any number of searches and displays the results in an easy-to-read list. Typecast can search by program title, episode name, description, season and episode numbers, start time, new/repeat episodes, genres, actors and crew, original air date, TV and MPAA ratings, high-definition, closed-captioning, subtitles, and more. You can format search results with custom images, colors, etc. You can set actions to occur before each schedule that matches a specific search, including reminders, e-mail (not yet implemented), and opening an arbitrary application (not yet implemented).

To get the television listings, Typecast requires you to have a subscription to Schedules Direct—an excellent non-profit service that provides quality, legal television listings.

This is an alpha version, so there will almost certainly be some bugs and it’s not as polished as the final version will be. There are still some debugging commands (Import) and performance issues (searching). I improve it constantly though—because I use it myself.

Path To Clipboard 1.5.122 Released

I’ve finally, for sure this time, fixed the 64-bit installation issue. I confirmed that I tested 1.3.119 on a 64-bit machine, but perhaps there was an uninstall that didn’t remove all the necessary Registry entries, so I didn’t detect that the 1.3.119 installer didn’t create everything. I’m not sure. Anyway, I tested 1.5.122 on a clean Registry (64-bit) and it works. I apologize for any issues you’ve had.

Please let me know if there’s still an issue on your machine. If nothing else, I can give you a Registry file to import that will fix it.

Path To Clipboard Issue on 64-bit Windows

It seems there is still an issue with Path To Clipboard on 64-bit. I just built a new 64-bit dev machine and it’s not installing correctly (although it is on another 64-bit machine I have). I hope to release a new version this week that will (finally) fix this issue.

Until then, you can download this Registry file and import it to make it work. If you din’t install Path To Clipboard in the default location (C:\Program Files\12noon PathToClipboard), you’ll have to edit the CodeBase values.

Aligner 3.0.1 Released

I have released Aligner 3.0.1, which adds support for additional file types. You may notice some coloring artifacts when it draws your wallpaper in the window, but they’re harmless. For now, I’ve removed the Aligner Control Panel extension.

Timekeeper 64-bit Installer

If you install Timekeeper on Windows 7 64-bit, Windows will display a compatibility warning. The correct 64-bit Timekeeper is still installed, so it’s safe to ignore this warning. I plan to investigate the cause of this warning sometime, but it has a lower priority because it seems to be innocuous. Please let me know if you see any compatibility issues with Timekeeper on 64-bit Windows.

Redesigned Web Site

I’ve re-designed the Web site to make it easier to use (good for you) and easier to manage (good for me). If something doesn’t work as expected, please let me know. In the meantime, however, you can still access the previous version of the site.

If you subscribe to the 12noon mailing list, you will receive one final e-mail at that address notifying you of the change. You can sign up for updates on the new home page.