Change History

Known Issues

Please contact me if you have any issues or questions.

5.0.4 (7 Aug 2024)

Remove associated recordings when excluding programs/episodes.
Upgrade configuration file to remove recordings for excluded programs/episodes.

5.0.2 (27 Apr 2024)

Removed support for Windows Media Center.

4.6.1 (23 Oct 2023)

  • Changed from Schedules Direct to TMDb for all artwork.
  • Fixed handling of entity types because Schedules Direct adds new ones constantly.
  • Fixed marking actual program for recording.

4.5.0 (22 Apr 2022)

  • Added option to send email with search results after updating listings.

4.3.11 (17 Dec 2022)

  • Wait a few seconds longer for Windows to establish an Internet connection after resuming from sleep. (This helps to avoid errors sending mail.)
  • Do not display programs that end at midnight of the earliest displayed date.

4.3.2 (27 Nov 2022)

  • Typecast WMC server now detects requests when synchronized by (and perhaps other synchronization services).

4.3.1 (18 Nov 2022)

  • Updated Typecast to use new Schedules Direct API to query images.

4.3.0 (7 Oct 2022)

  • Fixed menu text for excluded programs.
  • Exclusions now expire after the program has not appeared in the listings for 12 months. (If they did not expire, Typecast would collapse under the weight of thousands of exclusions.)

4.2.0 (4 Sep 2022)

  • Removed option to exclude programs from individual searches.
  • Added option to exclude episodes from all results.
  • Fixed formatting of min/max start time in search tooltip.
  • Added “IPTV” as a transport option.

4.1.0 (31 Aug 2022)

  • Added demo credentials (username: demo, password: demo) so Typecast can be tested without a Schedules Direct subscription.
  • Upgraded to .NET 6.

4.1.0 (15 Aug 2022)

  • Typecast WMC: If the update does not work, you will need to download and run the installer again.
  • Typecast WMC: Improve retrieval of episode title.
  • Typecast WMC: Updated images.

4.0.1 (27 Jun 2022)

  • Updated images and icons.
  • Fixed a misspelling.
  • Improved database performance.

4.0.0 (21 Jun 2022)

  • Published to Microsoft Store.
  • Updated to use .NET 6.
  • Fixed updating recording icons after a recording completes.
  • Fixed rare crash when modifying new search during a query.
  • Improved startup performance.

3.11.3 (25 Dec 2021)

  • Fixed crash when clearing a recording of a program airing on a different station than the actual recording.
  • Fixed disabling unavailable commands on the context menu.

3.11.2 (7 Nov 2021)

  • Fixed displaying context menu in rare conditions.
  • Fixed removing past recording marks.

3.11.1 (21 Aug 2021)

  • Added ability to mark programs as being recorded.
  • Changed default to not download new stations in a lineup.
  • Fixed searches to display stations that are in deleted lineups.
  • Fixed updating searches after changing lineups.
  • Renamed database from Thistle.db to Typecast.db.
  • Typecast WMC: Improved channel matching.
  • Typecast WMC: Fixed warning about setting “Use guide…” option in WMC on 64-bit Windows.

3.9.0 (12 Apr 2021)

The Typecast.xml file is now compressed to about 10% of its former size. This will reduce its footprint on your drive, reduce bandwidth (if you save it in OneDrive), and slightly improve Typecast’s performance.

3.8.9 (19 Jan 2021)

  • Fixed handling of Schedules Direct data that incorrectly is missing the country code of a content rating for a program.
  • Improved some output.

3.8.8 (10 Oct 2020)

  • Fixed truncation of long program title in tooltip on search window’s results.
  • [WMC] Fixed output of time of finished recording.

3.8.7 (21 Sep 2020)

Improved station logos. (Some provided logos were white, which do not show up very well on a white background.)

3.8.6 (27 Aug 2020)

  • Updated some third-party libraries.
  • [WMC] Fixed scheduling a recording of a show near one already scheduled to be recorded.

3.8.5 (5 Jul 2020)

  • Fixed very rare issue which did not clear the “Now Showing” status.
  • [WMC] Fixed regression in the networking library Typecast uses.

3.8.4 (11 Jun 2020)

  • Do not run actions for programs that have already aired.
  • Fixed search action icons in the main list changed when editing the search’s actions.

3.8.3 (22 May 2020)

  • Added -exit switch to Typecast.exe so it will update listings, process any actions, and then exit the application.
  • Fixed checking expiration of Schedules Direct subscription after updating listings.
  • Automatically re-query TMDb artwork that becomes invalid.
  • Fixed duplicate description where there is no episode-specific description.
  • [WMC] Handle exception if unable to watch Typecast WMC folder.

3.8.2 (1 May 2020)

Improved handling of (rare) errors from Schedule Direct.

3.8.1 (23 Apr 2020)

  • Date navigation is now enabled even when no program is selected.
  • TMDb does not always have the correct title for movies and episodes. Typecast now has fuzzy matching of titles and episode titles in order to match more artwork.
  • In the rare event that Schedules Direct fails to respond to a query for program data, Typecast did not requery SD for those programs. This results in missing schedules.

3.8.0 (6 Apr 2020)

  • Fixed not displaying episode description in reminder window.
  • Fixed crash if no Internet at startup.
  • Fixed toolbar buttons sometimes being disabled when using Filter.
  • Added Update Listings command to notification icon.
  • Improved artwork by detecting landscape artwork and replacing it with portrait if available from TMDb later.
  • Greatly increased speed of displaying search results. (It was already pretty fast though, so you might not notice.)
  • Fixed regression that didn’t display the episode description in the reminder window.
  • [WMC] Display message if a recording results in a keyword match because the program’s schedule isn’t found on WMC.

3.7.4 (11 Mar 2020)

  • [WMC] Fixed regression introduced in 3.7.1 that prevents future scheduling of recordings if a duplicate request is detected.

3.7.3 (24 Feb 2020)

  • Improved artwork for movies and series by retrieving it from The Movie Database instead of Schedules Direct.

3.7.2 (22 Feb 2020)

  • Added command to export results to a CSV file so it can be imported into Google or Microsoft Calendar. In order to save you time, Typecast doesn’t prompt you for a location and filename every time; it saves the results to file on your desktop named TypecastResults.csv.
  • New shortcuts to navigate dates:
    • CTRL+N — new search
    • CTRL+Q — Previous week
    • CTRL+W — Previous day
    • CTRL+E — Today
    • CTRL+R — Next day
    • CTRL+T — Next week

3.7.1 (15 Feb 2020)

  • Fixed searching by original-air-date.
  • Fixed display of next-update-listings date in Information window when Typecast is run for the first time.
  • Fixed hiding window (and saving state) when Windows restarts.
  • [WMC] Now runs on 32- and 64-bit Windows 7 and 8.1.
  • [WMC] Ignore duplicate scheduling requests.
  • [WMC] Added DVR status to the reminder window.
  • [WMC] Reduced the verbosity of output.

3.7.0 (18 Dec 2019)

  • Correctly update number of results after search name.
  • Fixed justification of title in reminder window.
  • Check existing artwork for programs before querying Schedules Direct or TMDb.
  • Query TMDb for artwork updates.
  • [WMC] Move TypecastWMC_Responses_Offline.xml file into TypecastWMC_Recordings_Offline.xml.
  • [WMC] Fixed horizontal scroll bar.
  • [WMC] Fixed saving offline file.

3.6.4 (21 Oct 2019)

  • Added icons to indicate search actions in the list of searches.
  • Fixed a crash that can happen if you exit without entering Schedules Direct credentials.

3.6.3 (16 Oct 2019)

  • Improved reminder window layout. Again.
  • Improved performance of updating all searches by performing searches with zero or the most results last.

3.6.2 (2 Oct 2019)

  • If Schedules Direct doesn’t have artwork, Typecast now also queries The Movie Database to get artwork.
  • Fixed installer issue that prevented Typecast and Typecast WMC from communicating.

3.6.1+1 (24 Sep 2019)

Minor update to correct an installer issue that prevented the WMC feature from working in the Typecast client.

3.6.1 (21 Sep 2019)

  • Fixed display of searches that have more than the maximum number of results.
  • Trimmed leading zeroes from channel numbers to enhance the display.
  • Added CustomMailStylesheet setting so user can customize the e-mail reminder.
  • Fixed display of the occasional very large image in the reminder window and e-mail.
  • Improved display of date-only and time-only properties in tooltips for searches.
  • Slightly improved performance of listings updates.

3.6.0 (6 Sep 2019)

If you use Typecast WMC, you must upgrade both Typecast and Typecast WMC to this version. They won’t work with older versions of each other.

  • Added setting for frequency of listings updates (6-72 hours).
  • Also sort by EndUTC so that completed shows are sorted correctly.
  • Added Finale to the schedule tooltip in the Edit-Search window.
  • Synchronized the download state of all the different channels for the same station.
  • Fixed possible crash when a search returns only schedules in the past.
  • Fixed CTRL+C in main window (to copy schedule information to clipboard).
  • Added testing and repair of listings integrity (i.e., missing schedules).
  • Improved the design of the reminder window.
  • WMC: Improved matching DVR recordings to schedules.
  • WMC: Added setting for delay between app responding to notifications from WMC server. (Default is no delay.)
  • WMC: New communications mechanism for increased speed and possible future Android support.
  • WMC: Added DVR images to e-mail reminders so you can easily see if the program is scheduled to be recorded.

3.5.9 (2 Jul 2019)

  • Allow user to change the frequency of listings updates.
  • Allow user to change the time between a WMC schedule-change and when it requests updated DVR information.
  • Fixed handling of an exception that can occur when requesting information from WMC.

3.5.8 (19 May 2019)

Typecast WMC only: Fixed issue saving a click-to-record file if the program title contained characters that were invalid for a Windows filename (e.g., colon).

3.5.7 (16 May 2019)

Fixed issue where checking for an update when one exists displays an error.

3.5.6 (16 May 2019)

Fixed issue where editing a search that used keywords (e.g., genres, ratings, aliases, etc.) crashed.

3.5.5 (16 May 2019)

  • Display program ID in menu commands if an episode has no title.
  • Fixed sorting of Include unrated… option in Search‘s Keywords tab.
  • Lineups are sorted by name in the Lineups window.
  • WMC: Scheduling a series to be recorded will now record all episodes even if they air at different times.
  • WMC: Fixed returning outdated recording information after scheduling a recording.

3.5.4 (6 May 2019)

  • Fixed some issues with the update indicator.
  • Typecast WMC: New Save Log command saves the current output to a file in the Typecast WMC folder. This can be helpful when you report an issue.

3.5.3 (2 May 2019)

Fixed issue where closing the window (to the notification area icon) prevents updates, editing lineups, editing stations, and exiting. (You can restart Windows to force-quit Typecast or use Task Manager to end its process.)

3.5.2 (2 May 2019)

The installer I was using was deprecated, so Typecast now uses new installer technology. I apologize for the inconvenience, but hopefully updates will be easier from now on.

To upgrade to this version, you need to uninstall the previous version (3.4.0), download setup.exe, and run it. (You will have to re-enter your Schedules Direct credentials and anything you modified in the Settings window. You will not need to specify your lineups or stations though.

If you changed the default configuration folder, when you change it again, Typecast will rename the existing Typecast.xml file and save a new, default one. You can exit Typecast, delete the new Typecast.xml, and rename Typecast.old back to Typecast.xml. This will preserve your lineups and stations.

  • Typecast WMC server is now a Windows app with its own installer.
  • Added Premiere and Finale status to e-mail action.
  • Perform an action once per schedule (e.g., one e-mail even if the action occurred three times while the computer was asleep).

3.4.0 (6 Apr 2019)

  • Added “Finale” attribute to program details.
  • Small performance improvement when updating all search results. (40 searches and about 900 schedules in the results finishes in less than 4 seconds.)
  • Fix: When all searches are deleted, Typecast now creates default searches for you.

3.3.3 (1 Apr 2019)

  • Fix: Remove request from cache file after receiving an offline response. (Previously, this resulted in an extra
  • Fix: Typecast could crash when changing from enabling to disabling DVR while it was initializing.
  • Fix: Rare crash when unable to delete cache files.
  • Fix: Removed extraneous notification when opening Typecast if it’s already running.

3.3.2 (24 Mar 2019)

Fixed a crash that could occur if the user disabled the DVR settings while Typecast was still starting up.

3.3.1 (21 Mar 2019)

If you use the WMC features, you must upgrade the Typecast WMC server for this release.

  • Improved performance when excluding a program from searches.
  • Improved performance when updating all searches.
  • Capped the number of threads to use when getting results (to reduce database contention).
  • Right-aligned the WMC icons in the search results. (Thanks, Derek!)
  • New: Cache DVR stations so they can be used even when DVR isn’t running.
  • New: Save stations from Windows Media Center so synchronizing them in the Stations window no longer requires WMC to be running.
  • New: Closing main window leaves Typecast in the notification area. (Exit with icon’s context menu.)
  • New: Typecast WMC server has a notification area icon that can hide the console window.
  • Fix: Prevented rare crash if user issues right-click commands VERY quickly.
  • Fix: Improved colors on Stations window for red/green color-blindness. (Thanks, Derek!)

3.2.0 (9 Mar 2019)

If you use the WMC features, you must upgrade the Typecast WMC server for this release.

  • Dynamically increases the number of cores used to search.
  • Improved matching programs on DVR with Typecast listings.
  • Stations window requires user to press the Save button instead of saving changes automatically.
  • New: Ability to synchronize stations with WMC in Stations window.
  • New: Added icon to Edit Search command and modified toolbar icon.
  • Fix: Retry saving configuration file if it’s locked. (This time for sure!)
  • Fix: Matching programs between Typecast and WMC in case of mismatched listings.
  • Fix: Aligned “badges” (premiere, HD, new, CC) in detail pane.

3.1.1 (2 Mar 2019)

  • Retry saving configuration file if there’s an error.
  • Limit the station logo’s width (allowing more space for other columns).
  • Fix: Prevent multiselect in Stations window (until it’s actually supported).
  • Fix: Do not crash when user clicks off schedules while context menu is displayed.

3.1.0 (26 Feb 2019)

  • Added “Premiere” property and ability to search on it.
  • Added ability to search for only Episodes (i.e., serial programs).
  • Watch for changes to WMC files with cached information (recordings, schedules, requests, and responses) for when synchronization services take a while to synchronize.

3.0.5 (21 Feb 2019)

  • Don’t request recording information twice after requesting a recording.
  • Improved accuracy of handling offline requests/responses files.

3.0.4 (18 Feb 2019)

  • Fixed recording a series so that it records the episodes at the same time. (Unfortunately, WMC doesn’t give us a way to specify “Any Time,” so you might want to edit the Series Settings later.)
  • Wait for Internet connection before trying to reach client or server.
  • Increased the delay before Typecast requests updated recording information from WMC.
  • Don’t request recording information twice after requesting a recording.
  • Improved output format in Typecast WMC server.
  • Fix: Maintain WMC settings during an upgrade. (This will take effect after 3.0.4.)
  • Fix: Allow a DVR schedule to match the actual schedule if its start time is within +/- 5 minutes.

3.0.2 (14 Feb 2019)

  • Added optional Windows Media Center features. You will need to install the server component. For details, see the Typecast WMC page on for details.
  • Warn user if WMC’s Use Guide option isn’t set as needed to schedule recordings.
  • Added a Settings tab for the Mail plugin (instead of editing Mail.config directly).
  • When recording a series, record only new episodes (not reruns).
  • Programs that were recorded with an error now show all airings of that program (or episode) as an error.
  • Automatically maintain mail settings after an update. (Eliminated Mail.config file.)
  • Fix: Excluding a series didn’t also exclude when that program has an episode without season/episode info.
  • Fix: Mail plugin overwrote e-mail addresses with the default e-mail address.
  • Fix: Cast and crew had some corrupted ordinals and didn’t allow more than 99.
  • Fix: Continue to show recordings of a program after actual airing is no longer in listings.
  • Fix: Handle WMC exception that could prevent returning recording information.
  • Fix: Occasional crash when bad Internet connection during update.
  • Fix: Keep Mail and WMC server options after an upgrade.
  • Fix: Ignore lineups that return an error code in the Lineups window.

2.9.1 (22 Dec 2018)

Fix: Ignore invalid lineups in the Lineups window.

Added the ability to display recordings that are scheduled and completed in Windows Media Center. This is optional and requires a Typecast WMC component to run on your Windows Media Center machine. For details, see the Typecast WMC page on

2.8.12 (26 Nov 2018)

Fix: Occasional crash when there’s a bad Internet connection during update.

2.8.11 (23 Nov 2018)

Fix: Occasional crash when a program finished airing.

2.8.10 (15 Nov 2018)

  • Added ability to re-include excluded programs for all results in Settings window.
  • Added ability to re-include excluded programs and episodes for individual searches in the Excluded tab.
  • Display exclamation mark on Information toolbar image if Schedules Direct subscription is expiring soon.

2.8.7 (11 Nov 2018)

  • If sending an e-mail fails, Typecast waits a few seconds and automatically retries before notifying the user. (This can avoid error messages when the computer is just taking a while to re-establish its Internet connection.)
  • Increased the height of display colors (background and border) without an image to the full height of the row.
  • Fix: Perform a one-time cleaning of database to remove schedules belonging to stations that are no longer in current lineups.
  • Fix: When deleting a lineup, delete its stations from the database (unless the stations are still in another lineup).
  • Fix: Do not copy movie properties to clipboard if they’re not set.

2.8.6 (4 Nov 2018)

This version should finally correct the issues with automatic upgrades. I apologize for the inconvenience. If you have any issues upgrading to this version, please contact me via the Support page.

  • Added button to clean all stations that aren’t downloaded from the database.
  • Added “swatch” to Search window’s Display tab showing how it will look.
  • Center images in color “swatches” in list of schedules.
  • When moving configuration folder, added option to use the destination instead or cancel.
  • Fix: Synchronize download state of stations that are in more than one lineup.
  • Fix: Handle timeout when testing Internet connection.
  • Fix: Another updater issue required downgrading another package.

2.8.3 – 2.8.5 (29 Oct 2018)

Issue: Upgrading the installer broke upgrades. You’ll see a message about an error with SharpCompress. You can either download the full installer or follow these steps to upgrade:

  1. Open the Windows File Explorer.
  2. Go to the Typecast installation folder: C:\Users\USER_NAME\AppData\Local\Typecast\.
  3. You should see at least two “app-2.8.x” folders. For example:
    • app-2.8.1
    • app-2.8.2
  4. Open the lowest-numbered one. (In this example, app-2.8.1.)
  5. Run the Typecast.exe in that folder. It should upgrade to 2.8.5 (or whatever the latest release is). (If this doesn’t work, download the full installer.)
  6. If it upgrades to 2.8.5, you need to download and unzip this file in the app-2.8.5 folder. (Yes, confirm that you want to overwrite the files.) If it upgrades to a later version, it’s already been fixed and you don’t need to do anything.
  7. Next, in the same app-2.8.5 folder, edit the Typecast.exe.config file in Notepad. Delete the entry for name="SharpCompress". (It’s near the bottom of the file.) Save the file and exit Notepad.

This is the entry to delete:
<assemblyIdentity name="SharpCompress" publicKeyToken="..." culture="neutral" />
<bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />

Updates should now work again. I apologize for the inconvenience. I have put procedures in place to test upgrades before they go public, so this should never happen again.

Fix: Downgraded SharpCompress package to 0.17.1 because 0.22.0 broke the installer.
Fix: Downgraded to Extended WPF Toolkit 3.3.0 (because 3.4.0 broke CheckListBox).

2.8.2 (28 Oct 2018)

Issue: If a search has a selected keyword (genre, station, etc.), editing that search crashes. Fixed in 2.8.3.

  • Added option to relocate the Typecast.xml configuration file.
  • Improved clarity of menu commands.
  • Upgraded to .NET Framework 4.7.2.
  • Fix: Prevent user saving a search with no criteria.
  • Fix: Update default parameters of plugins when selecting them in the Actions tab.

2.8.1 (19 Oct 2018)

  • Added command to exclude a particular program’s episode from a search.
  • Fix: Correctly copy excluded programs when copying a search.

2.8.0 (13 Oct 2018)

  • Added commands to edit associated searches to the context menu.
  • Added default e-mail address to Mail plugin’s Mail.config file.
  • Added “Send e-mail for this program” command to context menu.
  • Added ability for plugins to display context-menu commands.
  • Fix: Load settings from saved Mail.config file.

2.7.1 (10 Oct 2018)

  • Fix: Load settings from Mail.config file after restoring it after an update.

2.7.0 (10 Oct 2018)

  • Added command to the context menu to exclude a program from the program’s displayed search(es).

2.6.1 (9 Oct 2018)

  • Fix: The new “include programs without season/episode.
  • Fix: The check box for displaying a search now always displays the correct value.
  • Fix: The Mail plugin will now encrypt new mail credentials in Mail.config even if encrypted ones already exist.
  • Fix: The next update should be able to save and restore the Mail.config file for the Mail plugin.

2.6.0 (5 Oct 2018)

  • Added “Include programs with no season/episode” to Search window’s Episodes tab.
  • “Exclude episode S/E and earlier” is now enabled even if program has some non-episode airings (e.g., sneak peeks).
  • Save and restore custom order and width of columns in main and search windows.
  • Save and restore sort order and direction in main and search windows.
  • Right-align start time, end time, and duration columns in main and search windows.
  • Added tooltip to show each search’s constraints.
  • Added counts of programs, schedules, etc. to Information window.
  • Display movie rating as a progress bar.
  • Tweaked default searches.
  • Fix: Increased size of Settings window.
  • Fix: Navigation buttons no longer disable when typing in search box.
  • Fix: Corrected display of season/episode when there are only totals.
  • Fix: Now search window refreshes when “Include movies without ratings” is changed.

2.5.2 (26 Sep 2018)

Fix: The next update will display release notes correctly again.

2.5.1 (26 Sep 2018)

Known issue: After the upgrade, Typecast warns about a TextBox error and does not display the release notes.

Fix: Display the selected date correctly in the date-picker on startup.

2.5.0 (25 Sep 2018)

Added command to main context menu to exclude a show from all results.
Added command to main context menu to exclude earlier episodes from results (by modifying the search).
Implemented “Sports only” and “Movies only” options on Search window.
Added another default search.
Set focus to first control when Search window opens.
Get stations’ logos in the background in the main and Stations windows.
Search window now opens faster.
Made the Stations window’s Clean button asynchronous.
Improved colors in e-mail reminder.
Prevent modification of searches while they’re being refreshed.
Fix: Display stations in Search window even if they’re no longer downloaded.
Fix: Display attributes could be incorrect if a search changed to have fewer results.
Fix: Listings wouldn’t be automatically updated if the user canceled a Search window.
Fix: Corrected how we override New/Repeat based on original-air-date.
Fix: Sometimes listings would not be updated automatically.

2.4.2 (9 Sep 2018)

Tweaked the artwork filter to prefer larger images.
Tweaked format of mail reminder’s subject.
Tweaked layout of Search and Information windows.
The lineup postal-code is now saved in the configuration file to initialize the Lineups window.
Fix: Improved handling of Schedules Direct errors, including requesting a new token.
Fix: Correctly save last-modified timestamp for lineups.
Fix: Allow release notes to scroll.
Fix: Sort high-definition before standard-definition.

2.4.1 (7 Sep 2018)

Fix: Corrected search parameters of a default search.
Fix: Create path for saving configuration file.

2.4.0 (7 Sep 2018)

Combined Lineups.xml and Searches.xml and moved it to user’s Documents\Typecast\Typecast.xml.
Added artwork to the detail pane and e-mail message.
Added artwork and station logo to the reminder window.
Added default stylesheet for e-mail message to the Mail.config file.
Update search results when user changes the maximum number of search results.
Improved load time of station logos on main window.
Reduced startup time of the Search window.
Improved formatting of main window’s detail pane, search window, and tooltip.
When setting search display image, Typecast now opens the directory of the current image (if any).
Don’t update search results if there are no changes when updating the listings.
Fix: Eliminated unnecessary search when opening Search window.
Fix: Null exception in Mail plugin.
Fix: Mail plugin now uses default stylesheet, which is copied to the Mail.config file for reference.
Fix: Corrected searches for sports programs that used episode title or description.
Fix: Display of station for each schedule.

2.3.11 (28 Aug 2018)

Fix: Release notes are displayed correctly now. Hopefully. 🙂

2.3.10 (28 Aug 2018)

Using the Stations window to “Clean” a station from the database now removes schedules on that station from the display.
Added station logos to Stations window.
Fix: Crash when modifying search criteria. (Regression)

2.3.9 (27 Aug 2018)

Changed toolbar text to make more room.
Improved format of release notes.
Increased wait for Internet connection to account for slow Wi-Fi.
Fix: Typecast now will update again when it runs for more than 24 hours.
Fix: Typecast now correctly handles all Schedules Direct errors.
Fix: Corrected the “next update” time in the Information window.
Fix: Corrected the time of the next update when there was an HTTP exception.

2.3.8 (26 Aug 2018)

Added a Settings window to set the # of days of old listings to keep and the maximum # of search results.
Added more information to the Information window.

2.3.7 (25 Aug 2018)

Added station logos to the detail pane in the main window.
Improved default sort of schedules in the main window.
Fix: User settings are now carried over after future application upgrades.
Fix: Some schedules wouldn’t have the correct display attributes when they matched more than one search.
Fix: Changed how Typecast handles names due to an error in the listings provider’s documentation.
Note: Users will need to re-specify any cast/crew they used in their searches.

2.3.1 (21 Aug 2018)

This version fixes the display of release notes after Typecast upgrades itself. However, since the version that’s doing the upgrade (2.3.0 or earlier) still has the bug, Typecast will close instead of displaying the release notes for 2.3.1. When you open Typecast again, it’ll be fine though, and subsequent upgrades will correctly display their release notes.

2.3.0 (21 Aug 2018)

On resuming from sleep, wait for an Internet connection to be established before updating listings.
Added filters to the cast/crew listboxes to make it easier to find people.
Added button to toggle showing or hiding all searches.
Moved “program title” field into the Criteria panel on Search window.
Improved performance of displaying the search window.
Improved layout of Search window. Combined Criteria and Display panels.
Sort active plugins by lead time.
Center reminder window on main window.
Moved Typecast out of beta.
Fix: Do not allow season or episode numbers to be zero.
Fix: Do not change original search’s stations when copying search.

2.2.30 Beta (15 Aug 2018)

Improved how New and High-Definition are interpreted.
Changed/Improved/Fixed how Typecast searches for Repeat (not New) and Standard-Definition (not High-Definition).
Display closed-captioned status and allow searching on it.
Notify user if the database is being upgraded. (It can take 30 seconds, depending on the machine.)
Added context menu to schedules to copy a schedule to the clipboard.
Sort results so that an HD schedule comes after its “sister” SD one.
Scroll selected schedule into view when adding more search results.
Hide UI elements until a schedule is selected.
Display a standby window while Typecast is upgrading the database.
Added window to display release notes when the app is updated.
Improved performance while adding search results to the display.
Fix: Exception when resuming from standby and attempting an update.
Fix: Searches remained partially transparent (“dim”) even after completing search.
Fix: Actions weren’t being done on the last few search results to be displayed.
Fix: Not all channels of a station in multiple lineups were being displayed.
Fix: Select the same search after it’s been edited.
Fix: Columns in the Search window have different names and widths than the ones in the main display.

2.1.23 Beta

Improved how New and High-Definition are interpreted.
Changed/1.roved/Fixed how Typecast searches for Repeat (not New) and Standard-Definition (not High-Definition).
Display closed-captioned status and allow searching on it.
Notify user if the database is being upgraded. (It can take 30 seconds, depending on the machine.)
Added context menu to schedules to copy a schedule to the clipboard.
Scroll selected schedule into view when adding more search results.
Hide UI elements until a schedule is selected.
Display a standby window while Typecast is upgrading the database.
Added window to display release notes when the app is updated.
Fix: Actions weren’t being done on the last few search results to be displayed.
Fix: Display all the channels from multiple lineups for a station (instead of just a single lineup) .
Fix: Select the same search after it’s been edited.
Fix: Columns in the Search window have the same names and widths as the ones in the main display.

2.1.22 Beta (30 Jul 2018)

Search on advisories and NOT advisories.
Save and search on all content ratings for the lineup’s country. (For example, in the United States, a movie might have PG-13 and TV14.)
Added infrastructure to allow updating database schema.
Really improved the performance of common searches, and–I think–searching in general, especially startup.
Limited the number of results per search to 1,000 (configurable) because nobody wants to wait for 10,000 schedules to display. Even 1,000 might be too many.
Updated the default searches. (You’ll only see them if you delete all your searches and restart Typecast.)

2.0.21 Beta (19 Jul 2018)

I’ve upgraded the release from Alpha to Beta. Typecast is very solid, and I don’t think I’ll need to modify the database schema. (But who knows, so it is classified as Beta.)

I’d appreciate any feedback you have: suggestions, bug reports, criticisms, even compliments. 🙂

Fixed display attributes of schedules in the past matching more than one search.
Search for content ratings (and allow search for programs with no rating).
Allow searching for movies without a movie rating.
Improved performance of updating results when changing years in Search window.
Display content rating as text instead of an image.
Added more error-checking for Internet connectivity issues.
Improved performance when there is no Internet connectivity.

2.0.20 Alpha (10 Jul 2018)

Display content ratings for all countries as text instead of an image.

2.0.19 Alpha (10 Jul 2018)

Use country code to select content ratings.
Fixed F5 shortcut for updating listings.
Fixed time formatting for Actions tab.
Filter results only by Title and Episode Title.

2.0.18 Alpha (5 Jul 2018)

Moved search buttons to their own toolbar.
Added sorting to Stations window.
Fixed bug in display attributes introduced in 2.0.14.

2.0.17 Alpha (4 Jul 2018)

Added season and episode search constraints.
Fixed saving description in the episode description.
Fixed updating of the “already aired” and “airing now” schedules.
Clicking a column header now sorts by that column (toggling between ascending and descending).

2.0.16 Alpha (28 Jun 2018)

Added “Filter” box to list of found schedules.
Renamed “Search” to “Filter” on Stations window.
Display messages about listings updates in Information window.
Display messages about adding and deleting stations in Information window.

2.0.15 Alpha (27 Jun 2018)

Added Reminder and Mail actions.

2.0.14 Alpha (26 Jun 2018)

Dim searches in list while they’re being updated.

2.0.13 Alpha (25 Jun 2018)

Fixed password hash algorithm.
Added more details to the Information window.

2.0.12 Alpha (25 Jun 2018)

Changed password field to show password to make it easier to enter.
User can set (in Typecast.exe.config) the number of search results where the count is displayed in red.
When updating search results, only select an item if one isn’t already selected.
Display progress ring when editing search and getting results.
Display progress ring when retrieving lineups.
Added information window to show log information since last update.
Added some debugging information for Schedules Direct credentials.

2.0.11 Alpha

Improved layout of listings window.
Fixed displaying results when editing a search.
Hide Cast and Crew when empty.
Save size of detail pane, window position, and window state.
Changed icon for new-search button.
Allow exiting while getting search results.
Fixed updating range of schedule times.
Fixed “Season” label in Season/Episode display.
Prevent an update while getting search results at startup.

Display count of results next to search name.
Renamed “Plugins” tab to “Actions.”
Migrate current settings (e.g., credentials) to new version.
Added Clean button to Stations window to remove schedules from database.
Added Select All/None buttons to Stations window.

2.0 — 12 Jun 2018

Alpha release.