
These examples—and others—can be found in the Examples.alarm file which is installed in the Alarm++ installation folder. Or you can download the latest version.

Download Examples

Daily meeting for two weeks

Monday through Friday for two weeks: Repeat page and Advanced page

Westminster Chimes

Sound the Westminster Chimes of Big Ben every 15 minutes.

Download alarm file and Download sound files

Friday the 13th

The 13th. Only on Fridays. Repeat every month.

Repeat page and Advanced page

Check the local traffic web page before leaving work to go home

Every Monday through Friday: Repeat page and Application page

Back up your computer

Back up your computer every other Friday: Repeat page and Application page

Mute your computer at night

I don’t like to hear my computer beeping or playing sound files when I get e-mail during the night, so I use Alarm++ to start Steve Gibson’s Wizmo utility to mute it.

Open: wizmo.exe
Arguments: quiet mute=1

Then, in the morning, Alarm++ turns it on again.

Open: wizmo.exe
Arguments: quiet mute=0

Wake up to a CD in the morning

Every workday: Repeat page, Advanced, and Application page.

The cdplayer.exe utility no longer comes with Windows XP and later. Most versions of Windows support the Windows Media Player, and you can use wmplayer.exe /device:AudioCD. Microsoft’s Web site has documentation on the media player’s command line options.

Automatically download e-mail with Outlook

MS Outlook can be set to send/receive e-mail at a certain interval, but it can’t do it only on non-workdays or 3am and 3pm. Alarm++ can do this for you automatically with two alarms. Create one alarm to start Outlook whenever you want to download your e-mail. (You will need to configure Outlook to automatically send/receive e-mail.)

Open: outlook.exe

Create another alarm to go off 15 minutes (or half an hour or whatever) after the first alarm—whenever you’re sure that Outlook is finished—and have it start this script to exit Outlook.

Open: SampleOutlookExit.vbs

(I also use this to make sure that Outlook shuts down when I leave work because I access the same e-mail accounts at home.)


Track a UPS package

  • Message: UPS tracking number (such as 1Z A72 28W 02 7232 539 0)
  • Repeat every 8 hours
  • Only on workdays (skip events on non-workdays; occur on the next event)
  • E-mail to totaltrack@ups.com

Similar alarm templates are set up for USPS, FedEx air, and FedEx ground.

Take your vitamins while at work

  • Repeat every 8 hours
  • Only on workdays (skip events on non-workdays; occur on the next event)
  • Only between 8AM and 5PM

Vote in the U.S.

  • Repeat every 12 months (presidential election: Repeat every 48 months)
  • Only on Monday
  • First week of the month
  • Offset 1 day after

Daylight Saving Time start and end

Start (US): Second Sunday of March
End (US): First Sunday of November

Send a message to another person on the network

Open: net.exe
Arguments: send Julian_PC %name%: %message%

Open the same Web sites every morning

Open: SampleOpenWebSites.js


Synchronize your computer’s time with another computer on the network

Open: net.exe
Arguments: time \\OtherComputer /set /yes

Use Microsoft Agent (such as Peedy) to animate and speak the reminder message

Open: SamplePeedy.vbs
Arguments: "You have a meeting at 10 o'clock."
Alternative arguments: “%message%”


Department meeting

The first Friday of every other month: Repeat page and Advanced page

Remember Mom’s birthday

Every year, one workday before March 29: General page and Repeat page

Remember to pay the mortgage

Three business days before the 1st of the month until it’s paid off in 2010: General page, Repeat page, and Advanced page

Pass arguments to a batch file

Open: SampleArguments.bat
Arguments: "%message%"


Start Word for Windows and write a status report…

Every Thursday: Repeat page and Application page

…then automatically e-mail the status report to The Boss at 9:00pm

Mail page

Sample batch file showing different ways to start an application
